Five first Saturdays of the month
$2.00FRUIT: Repair. Every first Saturday of the month I ask you to repair the blasphemies against my Immaculate Conception, the blasphemies against my divine motherhood by refusing to accept Me as the mother of men, the blasphemies of those who instill in the hearts of children indifference and contempt towards Me, who am…
Eucharistic Devotionary
$2.00FRUIT: Repair, Worship, Healing. Oh Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who turn to You!
Why kneel?
$2.00FRUIT: Adoration, Repair. “The Church must recover the gestures of adoration and return to its knees before Jesus in the Eucharist.”
Healing Rosary
$2.00FRUIT: Physical and spiritual healing. When you do not know the cause of spiritual suffering, ask God for the answer, because from clarity about the problem that afflicts you, that is the first step to improve. Work for what you want. Do everything in your power to…
healing rosary
$2.00FRUITS: Healing. Trinitarian prayer. The rosary, first of all, puts us in contact with the Holy Trinity with: the sign of the cross, which is the understanding of the two fundamental members of our faith; With words we confess the Trinity and with the sign the Redemption.
Stop laminated No.5
$1.50FRUIT: Sacramental “STOP ENEMY THE HEART OF JESUS IS WITH ME” prayer that is recited in moments of danger. Evoking the Heart of Jesus and His protection. You must receive your required blessing from a priest to use it as a sacramental. Note: When you…
Stop oval No. 4
$1.50FRUIT: Sacramental “STOP ENEMY THE HEART OF JESUS IS WITH ME” prayer that is recited in moments of danger. Evoking the Heart of Jesus and His protection. You must receive your required blessing from a priest to use it as a sacramental. Note: When you…
Stop square No. 1
$1.50FRUIT: Sacramental “STOP ENEMY THE HEART OF JESUS IS WITH ME” prayer that is recited in moments of danger. Evoking the Heart of Jesus and His protection. You must receive your required blessing from a priest to use it as a sacramental. Note: When you…
Via Crucis Our Lady of Guadalupe Patron of the UN-born
$0.50FRUIT: Save Lives Virgin of Guadalupe, Patroness of unborn children, we implore your intercession for all children at risk of abortion. Help parents receive from God the priceless gift of their children's lives. Console parents who have lost that gift...