Saint Joseph: Protect me!
$4.00FRUIT: Sacramental. Oh Blessed Joseph, you who expired in the loving embrace of Jesus and Mary. When the seal of death hangs over my life, come to my aid along with the Lord Jesus and Saint Mary. Obtain me this solace so that in that hour I may die in…
Saint Joseph Keychain
$4.00FRUIT: Sacramental. Oh, happy man, blessed Joseph, to whom it was granted not only to see and hear the God, whom many kings wanted to see and did not see, to hear and did not hear, but also to embrace him, kiss him, clothe him and guard him! V. Pray for us, blessed José R. So that we may be worthy…
Saint Joseph Decenary
$4.00FRUIT: Sacramental. PRAYER TO SAINT JOSEPH FOR THE RESOLUTION OF PROBLEMS Glorious Saint Joseph, husband of Mary, grant us your paternal protection, as we implore you through the Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Oh you, whose power extends to all our needs and you know how to make possible...
Saint Joseph Scapular Terror of demons
$4.00FRUIT: Sacramental. Pope John XXII states that those who wear the scapular will be quickly delivered from the penalties of purgatory on the Saturday following their death. You must receive your required blessing from a priest to use it as a sacramental.
Maria Rosa Mystica
$4.00FRUIT: Spiritual growth. “Our Lord sent me to implant a new Marian devotion in all institutes, both male and female, in religious communities and in all priests. I promise you that if you worship me in this special way, you will particularly enjoy my protection, there will be a flowering of...
Holy oil of Saint Anne (Basilica de Beaupré – Québéc)
$4.00FRUIT: Sacramental. Note: Blessed oil. The cost requested is recovery, there is no profit. ORIGIN We have to go back more than a century to trace the origin of Santa Ana Oil. Our ancestors, who came as pilgrims, used to take home a little of the oil that burned in…
Virgin of Carmen and Sacred Heart Scapular (4 sides)
$4.00FRUIT: Sacramental. Shield of Carmel (meaning:) White Field: Mary, Eliana cloud, white cape, white dress that the Virgin Mary wore on earth, Elijah, life of chastity, purity of heart, mantle that Elijah left to Elisha before being taken away by God in the chariot of fire (Read the book…
Blessed Oil from the Oratory of Saint Joseph (Brother André – Montreal)
$4.00FRUIT: Sacramental. Note: Blessed oil. The cost requested is recovery, there is no profit. SAN JOSÉ OIL
Saint Joseph Scapular
$4.00FRUIT: Sacramental. Pope John XXII states that those who wear the scapular will be quickly delivered from the penalties of purgatory on the Saturday following their death. You must receive your required blessing from a priest to use it as a sacramental.
Stop oval No. 3
$4.00FRUIT: Sacramental “STOP ENEMY THE HEART OF JESUS IS WITH ME” prayer that is recited in moments of danger. Evoking the Heart of Jesus and His protection. You must receive your required blessing from a priest to use it as a sacramental. Note: When you…
Stop square No. 2
$4.00FRUIT: Sacramental “STOP ENEMY THE HEART OF JESUS IS WITH ME” prayer that is recited in moments of danger. Evoking the Heart of Jesus and His protection. You must receive your required blessing from a priest to use it as a sacramental. Note: When you…
Our Lady instructs us about sacramentals and blessed objects
$4.00FRUIT: Conversion, Wisdom. The primary importance of Our Lady's apparitions for us has always been to live her messages, and her messages are never new truths, but rather a reminder of the ancient and sometimes forgotten truths of our faith. The series “Our Lady says…”…