365 Days of mercy and forgiveness
$8.00FRUIT: Forgiveness, Healing. Man, before the greatness of God, perceives his misery and his sinful reality. But what is this compared to the immense sea of infinite divine mercy? Let us meditate on this goodness every day of the year and rest in God's forgiveness. Let us embrace him who, with…
Healing relationships with stillborn and aborted babies
$8.00FRUIT: Healing, Forgiveness. Perhaps the biggest surprise of our ministry is the physical and emotional healing that can occur very quickly and deeply when we pray for stillborn babies and for miscarriages and miscarriages. For example, after praying for her three traumatic abortions, Sandy returned to…
The unknown power of fasting. healing – liberation – joy
$10.00FRUIT: Healing, Liberation, Self-control. “To those who are afraid to fast, to those who do not yet have the courage to do so, to those who have begun fasting, to those who persevere in it… Finally, to those who have fasted for me when I was in darkness, thanks to the which ones have I been able to…
$20.00FRUIT: Self-control. My purpose in writing this little book is to encourage you to fast. As a conclusion to this booklet, I would like to say: “start fasting”, and I hope you will answer me: “I will!” I pray that through fasting, you will discover all the treasures that God...
Fast with your heart
$10.00FRUIT: Healing. Gospel according to Saint Matthew 19.”Then the disciples approached Jesus and asked him privately: “Why couldn't we cast out that demon?” 20. Jesus said to them: “Because you have little faith. Truly I tell you: if you had faith, the size of a mustard seed,...
The Purgatory Manuscript
$8.00Fruit: Saving souls. “Light to the living and a lesson to the dead.” This volume reproduces the very interesting entries from the diary of Sister María De la Cruz. It is a most impressive and informative read.
Thirst for the Living God. Meditations on purgatory in the writings of mystics
$13.00FRUIT: Save souls. Literal, which brings together some experiences of priests, mystical saints and saints about purgatory, through the centuries. The authors, Giulio Giacomettí and Piero Sessa, in their book Thirst for the Living God, make a compilation of visions, apparitions, dreams or other signs of the presence...
Notes and notes by María Simma
$12.00FRUIT: Save souls. “I praise you, father, lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the imprudent wise men, and made them known to the simple. Yes, father, it seemed good to you.” (Mt 11 25, 26). “And if not, brothers, consider…
Purgatory does exist
$11.00FRUIT: Save souls. “Purgatory does exist” opens the eyes of our soul even more, and the reader's conscience is refined, polished, and sensitized to understand various aspects, such as the reasons why most of us go to purgatory, the reality of the suffering of…
The wonderful secret of the souls in purgatory
$8.00FRUITO: Save souls. Rarely has a book moved the sensitivity of its readers in such a way!
“Hell is a reality. “Sin is not free.”
$5.00Fruit: Reconciliation, Saving souls. Today there is a lot of talk about God's mercy and hell is no longer talked about, as if mercy had annulled divine justice but, unfortunately, that is not the case.
Help us get out of here!
$16.00FRUIT: Repair, Saving souls. These are excerpts from the story of María Simma, who is considered by several scholars on the subject as one of the few authentic mystics of our days.