365 days with San José
$12.00FRUIT: Spiritual growth. This devotional will help us learn more about this "Holy man", to meditate on his virtues and follow his example at every moment, asking for his protection and blessing, above all, for his very powerful intercession before his son, Jesus, every day of the year.
Novena to the United Hearts of Jesus, Joseph and Mary
$7.00FRUIT: Intercession of the three Sacred Hearts. Jesus, Joseph and Mary, I give you my heart and soul
Jerusalem Bible Fifth Edition
$55.00FRUIT: Wisdom and Salvation. The Jerusalem Bible has always been characterized as: “Study Bible.”
The Catholic Bible for young people
$35.00FRUIT: Wisdom and Salvation. The Catholic Bible for young people has been lovingly prepared so that the word of God reaches your heart.
Catechism of the Catholic Church
$15.00FRUIT: Wisdom The Catechism of the Catholic Church is a document that can be consulted, cited and studied with complete freedom by all members of the Catholic Church to increase knowledge regarding the fundamental aspects of the faith.
Saint Benedict Decal
$3.00FRUIT: Sacramental You must receive your required blessing from a priest to use it as a sacramental.
Holy Bible Memory of My XV Years
$35.00FRUIT: Wisdom A traditional Quinceañera is commonly celebrated on the girl's 15th birthday with a mass to renew her baptismal vows and a party to present her to society as the young woman she has become. During the mass, the young woman receives…
Holy Bible Memory of My First Communion
$35.00FRUIT: Wisdom The First Communion is the celebration of the Catholic Church where the boy and girl participate for the first time in the Sacrament of the Eucharist, receiving Communion: It is the living Jesus Christ himself, with his body, blood, soul and divinity, becoming food for our souls, increasing…
My Confirmation “Here I Am Lord”
$35.00FRUIT: Wisdom Confirmation complements baptism by sealing and strengthening the believer to live as a child of God, through the power of the Holy Spirit. “Now, when the apostles in Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent Peter and John to them,…
Children's Saint Michael figure
$18.00FRUIT: Sacramental. “Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the perversity and snares of the devil. God repress him, we beg you, and you Prince of the Celestial Militia, throw satan and the other evil spirits that are scattered into hell with the Divine Power...
Children's Saint Gabriel figure
$13.00FRUIT: Sacramental. Oh glorious Archangel Saint Gabriel, called the strength of God, most excellent prince among the angelic spirits, ambassador of the Most High, who deserved to be chosen to announce to the Holy Virgin the Incarnation of the divine Word in her most pure womb: I beg you to please pray to God for me,…