“3 months with San José. In prayer for my family”

“3 months with San José. In prayer for my family”

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FRUIT: Intercession.

The book: three months with Saint Joseph. In prayer for my family is a true opportunity for prayer following the spiritual path of the husband of the blessed virgin Mary.

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The book: three months with Saint Joseph. In prayer for my family is a true opportunity for prayer following the spiritual path of the husband of the blessed virgin Mary. Because of his competence to care for Jesus and Mary, the church proclaimed him patron of families, so that with his constant intercession, he could also watch over and protect each family that placed its trust in God and involved him through Saint Joseph.

We know well that family is our greatest wealth, but the ties that unite us are eternal. That is why it is necessary to pray for her. True prayer protects us! The intention of these three months of praying with Saint Joseph is to awaken in us the commitment that we must have in building a family that wants to grow in faith and in a harmonious way.
Let Saint Joseph take care of your home.
Jesus, Joseph and Mary: may my family be your family!

Luis Erlin, cmf

Saint Paul

Weight 0.222667 lbs
Dimensions 14×10.5 cm



Image, Green






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