Safeguarding of Our Lady of Carmen-Chapter of the Hundred Requiens.

Safeguarding of Our Lady of Carmen-Chapter of the Hundred Requiens.

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FRUIT: Sacramental.

Rosary or Chaplet of the Hundred Requiens.
Blessed Ana María Taigi was an 18th century Italian mystic, wife, sosare and tertiary of the Trinitarian Order. She fervently prayed this prayer to support the blessed souls in purgatory, testifying to having received, through her intercession, innumerable favors from God.
Saint Catherine of Bologna (1413-1463) (religious Poor Clare, mystic, spiritual author and artist) wrote that many times the graces we desire are more easily obtained through the good souls in purgatory than through the intercession of the Saints.
The name of this devout exercise comes from the first words of the well-known introit of the prayer: Requiem aternam dona eis, Dómine, et lux perpetua lúceat eis
“Give them, Lord, eternal rest, and let perpetual light shine upon them.”

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