Publishing house, in charge of the production, publication and promotion of the book and its author.
The Five Minutes of the Family
$15.00FRUIT: Family Union. The book consists of stories, prayers, family anecdotes, reflections on values, stories of saints or saints linked to the family, significant invocations of the Virgin and biblical texts related to different themes that have a temporal relationship throughout the year.
Psalms for the road
$18.00FRUIT: Spiritual Growth. In each of the psalms of the Bible a deeply human message is discovered. Each one reveals the smallness of man in front of his Father and Creator and the greatness that all this means. The reading of each psalm reflects the different states that…
Intergenerational rosary to intercede for the entire Church
$11.00FRUIT: Healing. Praying for bishops, priests, consecrated men and women, lay people and families.
She opened her heart to me
$12.00FRUIT: Spiritual Growth. Encounters of the Virgin Mary with Saint Luke
Nine months with María
$16.00FRUIT: Spiritual Growth. From the annunciation to the birth of Jesus. THE ANGELUS V. The Angel of the Lord announced it to Mary. RY conceived by the Holy Spirit. God save you, Mary… Holy Mary… V. Behold the slave of the Lord. R. May it be done to me according to your word. God...
Novena of parents who pray for their children
$7.00FRUIT: Physical and spiritual healing. They are nine days of prayer but also of relief and consolation, moments in which you can turn to the Lord all the worries that afflict the family since He, as a loving Father, is interested and watches over the life of each one.
Novena to our Lady of Sweet Waiting
$8.00FRUIT: Gift of parenthood. For those who have conceived a child, as well as for those who want one, pregnancy, the “sweet wait,” is a time in which the family prepares to receive the gift of a new life.
There is a child waiting
$5.00FRUIT: Gift of parenthood. Novena of supplication for those who wish to adopt
365 days with San José
$12.00FRUIT: Spiritual growth. This devotional will help us learn more about this "Holy man", to meditate on his virtues and follow his example at every moment, asking for his protection and blessing, above all, for his very powerful intercession before his son, Jesus, every day of the year.
Novena to Our Lady of milk and good birth
$6.00FRUIT: Gift of parenthood. Nine days accompanied by the Virgin Mary, model of a mother, to ask her to help us and guide us in the extraordinary moment that means giving birth and the first stages of our child's life. We will also learn how this ancient and little-known…