Rosary to the unborn (Rosary, bag and prayer manual)
$33.00FRUIT: Save lives. It has been made since the 13th century. As you meditate on the life of Jesus, you recite prayers that bring you closer to him and his mother, Mary. “Jesus, protect and save the unborn”
Salvaduarda and untied rosary
$25.00FRUIT: Sacramental. The Untied Virgin is the counselor who helps marriages and families. Its image shows the Immaculate Conception receiving a knotted ribbon from the hands of an angel. She unties them and passes the smooth ribbon into the hands of another angel. The picture…
Rosary 20 mysteries
$20.00FRUIT: Veneration of Our Blessed Mother. Rosary composed of the 20 mysteries, easy to carry in its backpack and includes a prayer manual
Mirabilis Thesaurus
$15.00FRUIT: Sacramental. BLESSINGS OF PRAYING THE ROSARY. According to the magisterium of the Popes, here are the following blessings: 1. Sinners will obtain forgiveness. 2. Thirsty souls will be satisfied. 3. Those who are bound will see their ties destroyed. 4. Those who cry will find joy. 5. Those who are tempted…
Guadalupus thesaurus
$15.00FRUIT: Sacramental. BLESSINGS OF PRAYING THE ROSARY. According to the magisterium of the Popes, here are the following blessings: 1. Sinners will obtain forgiveness. 2. Thirsty souls will be satisfied. 3. Those who are bound will see their ties destroyed. 4. Those who cry will find joy. 5. Those who are tempted…
Rosary Our Lady of Tears
$9.00FRUIT: Sacramental. Sister Amalia Aguirre was a pious nun who lived in Brazil. Together with Monsignor Conde Francisco Von Campos Barreto, bishop of the Diocese of Campiñas, they founded an institute in Campiñas, Brazil. Their convent was called the Institute of the Missionaries of Scourged Jesus. Bearing the stigmas of…
Sacculum icon
$6.00FRUIT: Sacramental. Sacramentals are sacred signs, often with matter and form, through which spiritual effects are received and which are public acts of worship and sanctification. They can be “things” or “actions”, through the intercession of the Church (Cf. CIC. no.1166).
Queen of Peace Rosary (white beads)
$5.00Fruit: Sacramental. They must receive their required blessing from a priest to use them as sacramentals.