Books of Our Mother
$20.00FRUIT: Self-control. My purpose in writing this little book is to encourage you to fast. As a conclusion to this booklet, I would like to say: “start fasting”, and I hope you will answer me: “I will!” I pray that through fasting, you will discover all the treasures that God...
Peace will have the last word
$18.00FRUIT: Knowing the mercy of God. This series of testimonies and vital situations, captured in lively stories and illustrated with images, show us how God welcomes us in his mercy.
Medjugorje the triumph of the heart the 1990s
$18.00FRUIT: Knowing the Immaculate Heart of Mary. How necessary this authentic book is!
The hidden child of Medjugorje
$18.00FRUIT: Forgiveness. Dear reader: what a complicated task it is for me to express everything I feel towards this beautiful work in just a few lines! I will have to make do with what I have assigned and be left raging with desire.
Nine months with María
$16.00FRUIT: Spiritual Growth. From the annunciation to the birth of Jesus. THE ANGELUS V. The Angel of the Lord announced it to Mary. RY conceived by the Holy Spirit. God save you, Mary… Holy Mary… V. Behold the slave of the Lord. R. May it be done to me according to your word. God...
Mary, the Eucharist and the end of time
$15.00FRUIT: Repair. Throughout the centuries and especially the last two, the Holy Trinity through its Envoy, the Virgin Mary, has been preparing us for very strong times that are already imminent.
Maria's time
$13.00FRUIT: Reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The Blessed Virgin Mary has had a fundamental role in the history of the salvation of the human race, and as Christians we have not always given her the place she deserves, rather a cloud has fallen over Marian devotion...
"Way of the Cross. With Jesus and Mary walking to Golgotha towards the resurrection”
$12.00FRUIT: Repair, Adoration. Dear praying! This booklet will be helpful to you every time you want to be close to Jesus, who suffered for us, and to Mary who, like his mother, suffered a lot and continued to suffer even after his death, until the moment of his resurrection. Q…
!Pray with your heart!
$12.00FRUIT: Pray with, for and through the Queen of peace. Medugorje Prayer Manual.
Mary's five minutes
$12.00FRUIT: Protection of the Mother. The memory of the mother is always reassuring; but when this mother is Mary, peace floods our soul, a smile comes to our lips, joy penetrates our life. Think, therefore, frequently of Mary, keep her present in all the moments of your...
Intergenerational rosary to intercede for the entire Church
$11.00FRUIT: Healing. Praying for bishops, priests, consecrated men and women, lay people and families.
Healing Rosary (Mysteries of Joy, Light, Pain and Glory)
$10.00FRUIT: Healing. Dear brothers and sisters: the meditation of the Holy Rosary that includes the mysteries of joy, light, pain and glory that we have compiled in this book were inspired by Father Inocencio Llamas during two retreats at the Peace Center of Puerto Rico. These were recorded and…