Cordis Iesu “Prayer to divine providence”

Jesus's Heart


Prayer to divine providence

Oh glorious Saint Cajetan! Acclaimed by all Nations; Father of Providence, because with portentous miracles you help those who call upon you with faith in their needs. I beg you to obtain timely help from the Lord in my present anguish and let this be proof of eternal blessedness. Amen.

Holy Trinity Oh Divine Providence! Grant me your clemency, for your infinite goodness, kneeling at your plants, to you portent of all charity, I ask you for a house, clothing and sustenance for my loved ones.

Grant us health, lead us on the right path, may it always be the virtue that guides our destiny. You are all my hope, you are my comfort, I believe in You, I trust in You. Your Divine Providence extends to every moment so that we never lack a home, clothing, sustenance and the Holy Sacraments at the last moment.

Captura de Pantalla 2022-10-31 a la(s) 5.47.01 p. m.

Why do we light a candle to Divine Providence every 1st of the month?

1. GOD IS ATTENTION to the needs of those who trust in Him and resolves them with generosity. That is Divine Providence: the paternal love of God.

2.  THAT IS WHY, As the end of the year approaches, we usually buy candles and take them to bless the Church, to use them during the following year.

3. FOR THIS REASON, Every first of the month we light a candle at home to honor Divine Providence.

4. ON THIS DAY WE ATTEND THE CHURCH, We pray before the Holy Trinity and deposit 3 coins, as an offering, in the piggy bank that has 3 slots.

5. DEPOSITING 3 COINS It is a Christian response to the generosity of God, from whom we receive housing, clothing and sustenance.

6. IN SOME PARISHES The money collected in said piggy bank is destined for charitable works, or for Social Pastoral Care.

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