Sister Emmanuel Maillard

He was born on September 22, 1947 in Paris (France).

He studied Theology with Cardinal Danielou. In 1969 he graduated in Fine Arts from the Sorbonne University, Paris. In 1976 he joined the Community of the Beatitudes. Cardinal Robert Coffy (at the time Archbishop of Albi, France) accepted her vows as a Sister on November 18, 1978.

He immediately left for the foundation in Israel (Nazareth and then Jerusalem) where he remained for 7 years. Those were intense years. Upon returning to France, he felt in his heart the desire to transmit to this God-thirsty world the wonderful hope found in Christ. He did this mostly through audio cassettes.

After the first visit to Medjugorje, in 1984, Sister Emmanuel was sent in '89 by her community to live there, where - since then - she has prayed at the Gospa school in Medjugorje, in the concrete search of cooperating with the Virgin. to better spread your messages.

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