Notes and notes by María Simma

Notes and notes by María Simma

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FRUIT: Save souls.

“I praise you, father, lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the imprudent wise men, and made them known to the simple. Yes, father, it seemed good to you.” (Mt 11 25, 26).

“And if not, brothers, consider who you have been called, for there are not many wise among you according to the critics of the world, nor many powerful, nor many noble. On the contrary, God has chosen what the world considers a fool to confuse the wise; He has chosen what the world considers weak to confuse the strong; He has chosen the vile, the despicable, what is nothing in the eyes of the world to nullify those who believe they are something. In this way, no one can boast before God. (1 Cor 1 26,29).

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