Holy oil of Saint Anne (Basilica de Beaupré – Québéc)

Holy oil of Saint Anne (Basilica de Beaupré – Québéc)

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FRUIT: Sacramental.

Note: Blessed oil. The cost requested is recovery, there is no profit.


We have to go back more than a century to trace the origin of Saint Anne's Oil. Our ancestors, who came as pilgrims, used to take home a little of the oil that burned in the lamp of the sanctuary, before the relics of Saint Anne, for use. of the sick who could not go to the Sanctuary. Later, the guardians of the sanctuary used to prepare this oil in advance in quantities sufficient for everyone's needs.

In 1658 when Louis Guimont, suffering from unbearable back pain, came to help in the construction of the first chapel and was miraculously cured as a result. This would be the first in an endless series of cures to this day.

Already in 1665, an Ursuline nun wrote the following words: “Seven leagues from here, there is a town called “El Cabocito”, where there is a church dedicated to Saint Anne in which Our Lord is doing great wonders in favor of the saint. mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary. There, the paralyzed walk, the blind see, and the sick are healed of every disease.”


Although the preparation and delivery of this oil is carried out by the Church Store, we carefully follow the traditional ceremony to prepare it. The prayers for the preparation of this oil are inspired by the Roman Ritual. They sanctify the oil, giving it a special, although not infallible, ritual to heal the sick. A votive lamp is lit and the religious preparation of the oil is made in the presence of a priest, in front of the statue and relics of Saint Anne.


How should it be used? Sick people can use it externally by rubbing it on a sore place with faith and piety. We should not have any superstitious belief that it is certain to produce a cure. Although the Lord Jesus, through the intercession of Saint Anne, may well obtain wonders for us, he is never obliged to do so. By using the oil, our personal prayer, supported by the prayer of the Church, will help us draw closer to God and obtain spiritual blessings.

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