100 Miraculous Ejaculations

100 Miraculous Ejaculations

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FRUIT: Indulgences.

A ejaculation It is a very short sentence that is released in a single air emission; It is a short phrase that is said with one exhalation. It is used for praise, give thanks or ask for help. There are countless ejaculations dedicated to the Holy Trinity, Our Lady, Saint Joseph and other saints. The ejaculations They are usually inspired by biblical texts; You can use the ones that already exist or create ones that are meaningful to you. Saying ejaculations throughout the day responds to a certain extent to what Saint Paul asks: “pray without ceasing” (1Thes 5:17); They help us to live in a 'climate of prayer', to be aware of the presence of the Lord, of Mary and Joseph, and the communion of the saints in our daily lives and to strengthen our loving communication with them.

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