“Scandalous mercy. “When the Lord breaks the mold”

“Scandalous mercy. “When the Lord breaks the mold”

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FRUIT: Knowing the infinite mercy of God

So let us approach confidently
to the throne of grace to receive mercy
and find the grace to help us
at the time we need it most.
Hebrews 4:16

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This book makes us see the work of God's mercy in a very vivid and personal way.

It is not an abstract idea, but a reality that has surprised and deeply transformed the lives of many people. Throughout the chapters you can see the way in which the benevolent and free love of God breaks into human existence and achieves true resurrections, precisely where everything seemed lost.
Our world aspires to freedom, every man desires it, but does not know the liberating force that forgiveness has in itself.
One of the benefits of this book is precisely to help us be aware of this through the vivid examples it describes. And in fact, receiving, as well as granting forgiveness, is how we become truly free.

Sister Emmanuel Maillard

Parangona Realitzacio Editorial, sl

Weight 1.06924 lbs
Dimensions 15.5×23 cm



Image, Black






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