The hidden child of Medjugorje

The hidden child of Medjugorje

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FRUIT: Forgiveness.

Dear reader: what a complicated task it is for me to express everything I feel towards this beautiful work in just a few lines! I will have to make do with what I have assigned and be left raging with desire.

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Dear reader: what a complicated task it is for me to express everything I feel towards this beautiful work in just a few lines! I will have to make do with what I have assigned and be left raging with desire. And I will grumble, yes, dear reader, because I would like to go into great lengths and I can't. I think Sister Emanuel deserves it and the protagonists of this new work, too. Yes!

I still smile when I remember the first time my feet ended up in that blessed little town called Medjugorje, back in the year 2000. How could I have imagined that the path of my spiritual life would take such a turn? And there I found the love of God, I learned to forgive those who one day could have inflicted wounds on me, and to ask for forgiveness from those I could have hurt in the past. And what greater gift can a human being receive than to achieve peace in the heart through the love of a God?

Sister Emmanuel Maillard

Sons of Medjugorje Association

Weight 1.22797 lbs
Dimensions 15.5×23 cm



Image, Purple






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