“Give me your wounded heart. The sacrament of confession: Why? How?”

“Give me your wounded heart. The sacrament of confession: Why? How?”

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FRUIT: Reconciliation. 

After His resurrection, Jesus told His apostles: “Receive the Holy Spirit: whose sins you forgive, they are forgiven, and whose sins you retain, they are retained” (John 20:22-23). The apostles were the first bishops; His successors, today's bishops and priests, diligently carry out this ministry of forgiving sins.

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“During the prayer the image of a flower was presented to me three times. The first time it was wonderful, fragrant, full of color. And I felt very happy! Later I saw the same flower closed, withered, it had completely lost its beauty. How sad I was! But, suddenly, a drop of water fell on the withered flower, and suddenly it recovered all its fragrance and beauty!

Father Slavko Barbaríc, OFM

Information Center “MIR” Medugorje

Weight 0.255736 lbs
Dimensions 12×19.5 cm



Image, Purple






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