The five stones of Medjugorje
$5.00FRUIT: Spiritual Combat. When the young shepherd David, son of Jesse, faced the enormous Goliath, he wanted to enter into combat with the armor of men, but he collected five stones from the torrent for his sling, advanced towards the Philistine in the name of the lord of hosts and defeated…
How to take advantage of the mass?
$8.00FRUIT: Faith, Wisdom. How to take advantage of the mass? This is the question that the pages of this book seek to answer, through two important questions.
Extreme mercy: No Judas, it is not too late
$4.00FRUIT: Healing. You, who little by little have distanced yourself from God and who believe you have reached a point of no return; you, who believe you have gone too far to still have the right to intimacy with God; you, who have allowed yourself to be overcome by discouragement; you who accuse yourself...
Come to Me in the Blessed Sacrament
$12.00FRUIT: Adoration, Repair, Healing. “I recommend to everyone I know that they read “Loving Jesus with the Heart of Mary” and “Come to Me in the Blessed Sacrament.” I would like the whole world to read them, because these books help to understand Jesus' desire to...
“Eucharistic Rosary. Loving Jesus with the heart of Mary”
$10.00FRUIT: Worship, Healing. “Whenever I travel, and wherever I go, I carry this book of prayer and meditation with me because for me it is a constant source of light and inspiration... that is why I encourage you to also use this book, so that through Mary , you may discover that…
Mary, the Eucharist and the end of time
$15.00FRUIT: Repair. Throughout the centuries and especially the last two, the Holy Trinity through its Envoy, the Virgin Mary, has been preparing us for very strong times that are already imminent.
“The Sorrowful Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ. To know and live the passion of the Lord”
$10.00FRUIT: Repair. “The sacred Eucharist and the passion and death of Jesus on the cross are the greatest acts of God's love for men.”
"You shall worship the Lord your God and worship Him alone. A guide for the worshiper.”
$10.00FRUIT: Adoration, Repair. It was the apostles who, in the intimacy of the Last Supper, received the gift of the Eucharist from the Lord, but this gift was intended for everyone, for the whole world. That is why the Eucharist had to be proclaimed and exposed to view. Benedict…
Why kneel?
$2.00FRUIT: Adoration, Repair. “The Church must recover the gestures of adoration and return to its knees before Jesus in the Eucharist.”
Perpetual Eucharistic adoration, door to heaven. Letter to a brother priest
$10.00FRUIT: Adoration, Repair. Perpetual worship with exposition needs a big push. People ask me: “What will convert America and save the world?” My answer is: prayer. What we need is for each parish to have holy hours of prayer before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Mother Teresa, MC