Rosary Saint Joseph terror of demons – Cross of forgiveness
$25.00FRUIT: Sacramental. “Saint Joseph, terror of demons, pray for us”
Saint Benedict Rosary-white
$15.00FRUIT: Sacramental. Tuesday, JUNE 25, 1985. Medjugorje, BH. “Dear children, I ask you to ask everyone to pray the Rosary. With the Rosary you will overcome all the problems that Satan is trying to inflict on the Catholic Church." Marija asked, “Our Lady, what do you wish to say to…
Rosary Our Lady of Tears
$9.00FRUIT: Sacramental. Sister Amalia Aguirre was a pious nun who lived in Brazil. Together with Monsignor Conde Francisco Von Campos Barreto, bishop of the Diocese of Campiñas, they founded an institute in Campiñas, Brazil. Their convent was called the Institute of the Missionaries of Scourged Jesus. Bearing the stigmas of…
Salvaduarda and untied rosary
$25.00FRUIT: Sacramental. The Untied Virgin is the counselor who helps marriages and families. Its image shows the Immaculate Conception receiving a knotted ribbon from the hands of an angel. She unties them and passes the smooth ribbon into the hands of another angel. The picture…
Saint Joseph Decenary
$4.00FRUIT: Sacramental. PRAYER TO SAINT JOSEPH FOR THE RESOLUTION OF PROBLEMS Glorious Saint Joseph, husband of Mary, grant us your paternal protection, as we implore you through the Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Oh you, whose power extends to all our needs and you know how to make possible...
Mirabilis Thesaurus
$15.00FRUIT: Sacramental. BLESSINGS OF PRAYING THE ROSARY. According to the magisterium of the Popes, here are the following blessings: 1. Sinners will obtain forgiveness. 2. Thirsty souls will be satisfied. 3. Those who are bound will see their ties destroyed. 4. Those who cry will find joy. 5. Those who are tempted…
Sacculum icon
$6.00FRUIT: Sacramental. Sacramentals are sacred signs, often with matter and form, through which spiritual effects are received and which are public acts of worship and sanctification. They can be “things” or “actions”, through the intercession of the Church (Cf. CIC. no.1166).
Safeguard – San Miguel Chaplet
$25.00FRUIT: Sacramental. Pope Pius IX granted the following indulgences: – Partial indulgence, to those who pray this Crown with a contrite heart. – Partial indulgence, every day they carry the Crown or kiss the medal of the Holy Angels that hangs from it. – Plenary indulgence once…
Sanctus Michael archangelus – alba causa
$25.00FRUIT: Sacramental. Prayer to ask for the protection of Heaven: Oh most glorious Saint Michael the Archangel, prince and leader of the heavenly armies, custodian and defender of souls, guardian of the Church, victor, terror and fright of the rebellious infernal spirits. We humbly beseech you, please free from all evil...
Sanctus Michael archangelus – brunneis causa
$25.00FRUIT: Sacramental. PRAYER TO SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the perversity and snares of the devil. God repress him, we pray, and your prince of the heavenly host throws into hell with divine power Satan and the other evil spirits that are scattered throughout the world for...