Intergenerational rosary to intercede for the entire Church
$11.00FRUIT: Healing. Praying for bishops, priests, consecrated men and women, lay people and families.
Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
$9.00This consecration must be carried out on the first Friday of the month or on the feast of the Sacred Heart, which is why it must be counted 33 days before the first Friday of the month to begin the preparation.
She opened her heart to me
$12.00FRUIT: Spiritual Growth. Encounters of the Virgin Mary with Saint Luke
Nine months with María
$16.00FRUIT: Spiritual Growth. From the annunciation to the birth of Jesus. THE ANGELUS V. The Angel of the Lord announced it to Mary. RY conceived by the Holy Spirit. God save you, Mary… Holy Mary… V. Behold the slave of the Lord. R. May it be done to me according to your word. God...
Holy Hour for Healing of Families
$13.00FRUIT: Adoration, Sanction and Liberation “Come to me… and I will give you Relief” Mt 11,28
Novena of parents who pray for their children
$7.00FRUIT: Physical and spiritual healing. They are nine days of prayer but also of relief and consolation, moments in which you can turn to the Lord all the worries that afflict the family since He, as a loving Father, is interested and watches over the life of each one.
Novena to our Lady of Sweet Waiting
$8.00FRUIT: Gift of parenthood. For those who have conceived a child, as well as for those who want one, pregnancy, the “sweet wait,” is a time in which the family prepares to receive the gift of a new life.
There is a child waiting
$5.00FRUIT: Gift of parenthood. Novena of supplication for those who wish to adopt
Inner Healing Novena
$7.00FRUIT: Healing. He is the one who erases all our guilt and heals all our ailments. Salt 103.3. All of us at some point wish to free ourselves from temptations, from the unexpected difficulties of our lives where varied demands multiply, different challenges to which we find it difficult to respond adequately.
Healing Rosary (Mysteries of Joy, Light, Pain and Glory)
$10.00FRUIT: Healing. Dear brothers and sisters: the meditation of the Holy Rosary that includes the mysteries of joy, light, pain and glory that we have compiled in this book were inspired by Father Inocencio Llamas during two retreats at the Peace Center of Puerto Rico. These were recorded and…