100 Miraculous Ejaculations
$7.00FRUIT: Indulgences. An ejaculation is a very short prayer that is uttered in a single air emission; It is a short phrase that is said with one exhalation. It is used to praise, give thanks or ask for help. There are countless ejaculations dedicated to the Holy Trinity, to Our Holy Mother,…
Wonderful novena of abandonment to the will of God
$5.00FRUIT: Spiritual Growth. This novena was dictated by the Lord Jesus Christ himself to the Italian mystical Priest Dolindo Ruotolo (1882-1970), who for a time was Spiritual Director of Padre Pio of Pietrelcina. He encourages us to bring our needs to God, leaving Him free to care for us with His Wisdom. He…
Give me your wounded heart
$12.00FRUIT: Physical and spiritual healing. The sacrament of confession: “Why? How?” One of the books from the collection of Fr. Slavko Barbaric, OFM. All of them of great spiritual blessing.
Jerusalem Bible Large Print
$65.00FRUIT: Wisdom and Salvation. The Jerusalem Bible has always been characterized as: “Study Bible.”
Spiritual Diary I
$15.00FRUIT: Conversion, Healing. Meditations in the form of a dialogue with the Sacred Heart of Jesus that does not leave you indifferent. To be an apostle of the Sacred Heart is to enter into the intimacy of God's love, to hand over one's life and one's entire being to God, who loves us madly, to the point of handing over...
The Five Minutes of the Family
$15.00FRUIT: Family Union. The book consists of stories, prayers, family anecdotes, reflections on values, stories of saints or saints linked to the family, significant invocations of the Virgin and biblical texts related to different themes that have a temporal relationship throughout the year.
Psalms for the road
$18.00FRUIT: Spiritual Growth. In each of the psalms of the Bible a deeply human message is discovered. Each one reveals the smallness of man in front of his Father and Creator and the greatness that all this means. The reading of each psalm reflects the different states that…
Intergenerational rosary to intercede for the entire Church
$11.00FRUIT: Healing. Praying for bishops, priests, consecrated men and women, lay people and families.
Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
$9.00This consecration must be carried out on the first Friday of the month or on the feast of the Sacred Heart, which is why it must be counted 33 days before the first Friday of the month to begin the preparation.
Holy Hour for Healing of Families
$13.00FRUIT: Adoration, Sanction and Liberation “Come to me… and I will give you Relief” Mt 11,28