Rosaries of Joseph
Saint Joseph Rosary, backpack and prayer manual
$17.00FRUIT: Intercession of Saint Joseph. With the Rosary to Saint Joseph we can ask for his intercession and entrust ourselves to the protection of the patron of the universal Church.
Sanctus Michael Archangelus relicie
$40.00FRUIT: Sacramental. Meaning of Michael in Hebrew: “Who is like God?” Saint Michael is one of the main angels; His name was the war cry of the good angels in the battle waged in heaven against the enemy and his followers. His name is found four times in the…
Saint Joseph Scapular
$4.00FRUIT: Sacramental. Pope John XXII states that those who wear the scapular will be quickly delivered from the penalties of purgatory on the Saturday following their death. You must receive your required blessing from a priest to use it as a sacramental.
Saint Benedict Decal
$3.00FRUIT: Sacramental You must receive your required blessing from a priest to use it as a sacramental.
Rosary Saint Benedict-coffee
$15.00FRUIT: Sacramental. Tuesday, JUNE 25, 1985. Medjugorje, BH. “Dear children, I ask you to ask everyone to pray the Rosary. With the Rosary you will overcome all the problems that Satan is trying to inflict on the Catholic Church." Marija asked, “Our Lady, what do you wish to say to the…
Guardian Angel Safeguards
$8.00FRUIT: Sacramental. A Safeguard is an insignia or sacramental (cf. Catechism of the Catholic Church No. 1679) that leads us to experience the closeness and protection of God, preserving us from evil and stimulating our confidence in the infinite merits of Jesus Christ or the intercession of some saint. . It should never be confused...
Chaplet of Saint Michael the Archangel, bag and prayer manual
$15.00FRUIT: Protection The Promises of Archangel Saint Michael for those who pray his rosary or chaplet. To those who practice this devotion in his honor, Saint Michael promises great blessings: Sending an angel from each angelic choir to accompany the devotees at the time of Holy Communion. To the…
Sanctus Michael archangelus – alba causa
$25.00FRUIT: Sacramental. Prayer to ask for the protection of Heaven: Oh most glorious Saint Michael the Archangel, prince and leader of the heavenly armies, custodian and defender of souls, guardian of the Church, victor, terror and fright of the rebellious infernal spirits. We humbly beseech you, please free from all evil...
Sanctus Michael archangelus – brunneis causa
$25.00FRUIT: Sacramental. PRAYER TO SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the perversity and snares of the devil. God repress him, we pray, and your prince of the heavenly host throws into hell with divine power Satan and the other evil spirits that are scattered throughout the world for...
Sanctus Benedicti thesaurus
$15.00FRUIT: Sacramental. BENEFITS OF PRAYING THE ROSARY. According to Saint Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort, one of the great saints passionate about Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, praying the rosary has the following benefits: 1. It gradually elevates us to the perfect knowledge of Jesus Christ. 2. Purify our souls from sin.…
Sanctus Michael archangelus – aurum causa
$15.00FRUIT: Sacramental. Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel Oh most glorious Archangel Saint Michael, Prince and leader of the heavenly armies, guardian of the Church and defender of souls, terror and fright of the infernal spirits: we humbly ask that your favor protect us, your strength defend us and your virtue...
Quis ut Deus?
$25.00FRUIT: Sacramental. Who like God? Three sacramentals of great blessing in one: Saint Michael the Archangel Medal in surgical steel colors, LA MILAGROSA Medal and Saint Benedict Medal in stainless steel. Ideal for kids and adults.