Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus for a Grave Need

EITHERh Divine Jesus who said: «Ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you; for everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to whom he knocks it is opened.” Look at me prostrate to your soles begging you to grant me an audience. Your words give me confidence, especially now that I need you to do me a favor:

(Pray silently asking for the favor)

Who should I ask, but You, whose Heart is an inexhaustible source of all graces and gifts? Where should I search but in the treasure of your heart, which contains all the riches of divine clemency and generosity? Where should I knock but at the door of that Sacred Heart, through which God comes to us, and through which we go to God?

We turn to You, oh Heart of Jesus, because in You we find comfort, when afflicted and persecuted we ask for protection; when overwhelmed by the weight of our cross, we seek help; when anguish, illness, poverty or failure drive us to seek a force superior to human forces.

I firmly believe that you can grant me the grace that I implore, because your Mercy has no limits and I trust that your compassionate Heart will find in my miseries, in my tribulations and in my anguish, one more reason to hear my request.

I want my heart to be filled with the confidence with which the Roman centurion prayed in favor of his servant; of the confidence with which the sisters of Lazarus prayed, the lepers, the blind, the paralyzed who came to You because they knew that Your ears and Your Heart were always open to hear and remedy their evils.

However... I leave my request in your hands, knowing that You know things better than me; and that, if you do not grant me this grace that I ask of you, you will give me another that my soul greatly needs; and you will allow me to look at things, my situation, my problems, my entire life, from another angle, with a greater spirit of faith.

Whatever your decision, I will never stop loving you, adoring you and serving you, oh good Jesus.

Accept this act of mine of perfect adoration and submission to what your merciful Heart decrees. Amen.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory to the Father.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust in You. (3 times).

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