Cor Ioseph “Thirty to Saint Joseph”

Heart of Joseph

Thirty to San José

Beloved Saint Joseph! From my smallness and pain and anxiety, I contemplate you with emotion and joy in heaven, where you reside with the Blessed, but also as father of the orphans on earth, joy of the sad, protection of the helpless, joy and love of yours. devotees before the throne of God.

That is why I, poor, helpless, fragile and needy, address to you today and always my sadness and joy, my prayers and supplications, my regrets and my hopes; and today especially I bring before your image a suffering to console, an evil to remedy, a misfortune to prevent, a need to resolve, a grace to obtain for myself and my loved ones.

And to encourage you even more to listen to me and obtain it for me, I will ask you during these thirty days, urgently and confidently, remembering the milestones that in your life marked your faithfulness to all proof, and which are the reasons I have to hope that you will not delay in responding. to our need.

1.- I ask you for the divine goodness that moved the Eternal Word to incarnate and be born in poor human nature, God the Man, the Lord Jesus.

2.- I ask you for the promptness with which you responded to the call to be adoptive Father of the Lord Jesus and Chaste husband and custodian of our Holy Mother.

3.- I ask this for your discreet and silent strength with which you sought a stable for the cradle of God, born among men, who force him to be born among animals.

4.- I implore you for the prompt obedience with which you imposed the Holy Name of Jesus on the Reconciler, by order of the Eternal for our consolation, love and hope.

5.- I beg you for the heroically accepted pain upon hearing from the Angel of the death decreed against your Son God, and for your courageous flight to Egypt, for the sufferings of the journey, for the poverty of exile, and for the insecurities of the return to Nazareth.

6.- I ask you for your painful three-day affliction at losing your Son, and for your intense and discreet joy at finding him in the temple; for the ineffable joy of the thirty years that you lived in Nazareth with Jesus and Mary subject to your authority and providence.

7.- I beg you for the heroic sacrifice with which you accepted the mission of the Lord Jesus: the cross and death for our reconciliation.

8.- I implore you for the heroic detachment with which every day you contemplated those childish hands that would one day be drilled on the Cross; that head that reclined on your chest that would be crowned with thorns; that divine body that you held close to your heart, that would be extended on the Cross.

9.- I ask you for your passage from this life and your entry into Heaven, where you have your throne of power.

10.- I beg you for your joy when you contemplated the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus, his ascension to Heaven and his throne as King immortal for centuries.

11.- I ask this for the joy with which you contemplated your most holy Wife being ascended to Heaven by the angels and crowned by the Eternal as Queen and Lady of all creation.

12.- I beg you and I confidently hope for your work, pain and sacrifices on earth, and for your triumphs and your blessedness in Heaven with your Son Jesus and with Saint Mary.

Oh my good Saint Joseph! I, inspired by the faith of the Holy Church and in communion with the universal feeling of the Christian people, feel within me the confident strength that encourages me to ask you, beseech you and hope that you obtain from God the grace that I am going to place before this image. on earth and before your throne in Heaven: I wait for you, Holy Patriarch.

(Here, lifting the heart high, one asks the Saint for the grace one desires.)

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