Captura de Pantalla 2024-06-30 a la(s) 12.31.00 p.m.

7 facts you didn't know about Saint Anne and Saint Joachim, Jesus' grandparents

1. The names of Saint Anne and Saint Joachim appear in apocryphal gospels

According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, San Joaquín and Santa Ana appear named as the parents of the Virgin Mary in the apocryphal gospels.

These gospels are the “Gospel of James”, the “Gospel of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin” and the “Book of the Nativity of the Holy Virgin Mary and the Infancy of the Savior”.

2. Saint Joachim lived in the desert for 40 days

According to apocryphal gospel of JamesOne day, the high priest of the Temple in Jerusalem did not want to accept Joachim's offering. This, because María's father was already elderly. Furthermore, he had no children at that time.

With great pain in his heart, the saint decided to retire to the desert. There he remained for 40 days praying and fasting to God as penance for his sins. She also begged him to grant her the blessing of being able to have children.

3. An angel announced to Mary's mother that she would become pregnant

After her husband left for the desert, Saint Anne became sad and prayed and fasted for him. She also asked God for the grace of having a son, since she received ridicule because of her sterility.

In answer to his prayers, an angel appeared to him and said:

Saint Joachim also received a visit from the angel in the desert and finally returned home.

4. These parents consecrated their only daughter to God

Three years after the birth of the Virgin Mary, and after the time of breastfeeding, Saint Joachim and Saint Anne They took their daughter to the templeeither to consecrate it to God.

5. They taught Mary to listen to God and do His will

He Pope Francisco He has stated that, in his house, the Virgin Mary grew up with love and faith. Furthermore, his parents taught him to listen to God and follow his will.

“Saints Joachim and Anna are part of that long chain that has transmitted the love of God in the warmth of the family, to Mary who welcomed the Son of God into her womb and gave him to the world. He has given them to us. “How precious is the value of the family, as a privileged place to transmit the faith!” declares the Pope.

6. They were going for a walk with their grandson Jesus to Mount Carmel

According to an ancient tradition of the Catholic Church, the Child Jesus He went to pray and walk to Mount Carmel with his parents, Saint Joseph and the Virgin Mary. His grandparents San Joaquín and Santa Ana also joined these walks.

Over time, the inhabitants of the area took a liking to Jesus. In fact, centuries later, the Carmelite order spread devotion to the Divine Child throughout the world.

7. You can pray to Saint Anne if you want to get married

The Spanish mystic María de Jesús de Ágreda had a vision of the Virgin Mary. In this vision, the Virgin revealed to him the prayer that Saint Anne prayed to ask for a good husband:

Most High eternal God, on whom the entire being and protection of the human lineage depends: prostrate in your royal presence, I beg your Infinite Goodness to look at the longings of my soul and hear my requests.

Before your eyes my desires are manifest that, in the state of marriage, you give me the company of a husband who helps me keep the divine law and holy testament, to both grow in perfection and in the observance of your precepts. Holy God, Infinitely Provident Father, do not hide your mercy from me, nor allow, since you are Father, that my supplication be rejected.

And since you command me, my Lord, to ask you with confidence as a powerful and rich in mercy, grant me what I desire and ask for you, because in asking you I do your Holy Will and obedience. And if my faults stop your mercies, remove from me what displeases and hinders you.

You are powerful, Lord, God of Israel, and you can do whatever your Will is without resistance. May my requests reach your ears; I am poor and small, you are Infinite and inclined to use mercy with the downtrodden. Where shall I go away from you, who are Lord of lords and Almighty?

You taught me to desire and expect from your liberality. I have surrendered my heart and mind to your Will. Turn my eyes away from vanity.

If it were your pleasure to grant my request, I will put everything at your entire service, my Father, to help spread the Kingdom of God on earth. Do with me whatever pleases you and rejoice, Lord, my spirit with the fulfillment of this hope. Look from your seat at the humble dust and lift it up, so that it may magnify and adore you and in everything your Will and not mine may be fulfilled. Amen.

This prayer was written in the 17th century by the venerable Spanish mystic María de Jesús de Ágreda after a vision of the Virgin Mary, who told her that this is how her mother Saint Anne prayed to God asking for a good husband.

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