Captura de Pantalla 2024-08-30 a la(s) 5.51.14 p.m.

Novena to the Most Holy Name of Mary


————- From September 3rd to September 11th ————-
 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5 / Day 6 / Day 7 / Day 8 / Day 9 /
————- Day 1 ————-


By the sign of the holy cross. Deliver us from our enemies, O Lord our God. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Act of contrition

My Lord, Jesus Christ!
True God and True Man,
My Creator, Father and Redeemer; for being who You are, infinite Goodness,
and because I love you above all things,
I am heartily sorry to have offended you;
It also weighs on me because you can punish me with the pains of hell.
Aided by your divine grace
I firmly resolve never to sin again, to confess and to fulfill the penance imposed on me.

Prayer to invoke the name of Mary

Mother of God and my Mother Mary! I am not worthy to pronounce your name; but you who desire and wish for my salvation, you must grant me, even though my tongue is not pure, that I may call upon your holy and powerful name for my help, which is help in life and salvation in death.

Sweet Mother, Mary! Let your name be the breath of my life from now on. Do not delay, Lady, in helping me every time I call upon you. For in every temptation that attacks me, and in every need I experience, I want to call upon you without ceasing; Mary!

I hope to do so in life, and especially in my final hour, to always praise your beloved name in heaven: “O most clement, O pious, O sweet Virgin Mary!” What encouragement, sweetness, confidence, what tenderness I feel just by naming you and thinking of you!

I thank our Lord and God, who has given us for our good this name so sweet, so lovable and so powerful. Lady, I am not content with merely pronouncing your name; I want your love to remind me that I must call you at every moment; and that I may exclaim with Saint Anselm: “O name of the Mother of God, you are my love!”

Beloved Mary and my beloved Jesus, may your saving names always live in my heart and in the hearts of all. May my mind forget every other name, so that I may only and always remember to invoke your beloved names.

Jesus, my Redeemer, and my Mother Mary, when the hour comes for me to leave this life, then grant me the grace to say to you: “I love you, Jesus and Mary; Jesus and Mary, I give you my heart and my soul.”

Prayer for the first day

O Virgin Mother Mary, whose most holy and august name, which means Sea of Grace, reveals to us that the Almighty was pleased with you from all eternity, and for that very reason preserved you from original sin, in view of the foreseen merits of the Redeemer of the world who was to be born of you: receive the sincere congratulations which we give you, not only for this first and most special grace with which you were enriched in your Immaculate Conception, but also for all the other gifts, privileges, prerogatives and distinctions which the Most Holy Trinity was pleased to gather together in your soul, so that you might be truly an immense sea of heavenly graces.

Let that sovereign sea flow back within us, O our Mother, and grant us through your powerful intercession and effective aid, so that we may request, obtain and preserve divine grace, so that, being like you in holiness, we may not be unworthy of the title of your children, and after celebrating on earth the glories of your Name, may bless with you in heaven him whom God lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to ask for the grace that is needed

O most gracious Virgin Mary, Mother of God and our Mother, deign to accept these gifts which we humbly consecrate to the glory of your most holy name. We are unworthy that you should listen to us, but your piety will not allow us to be removed from you.

Your love brings us, your piety invites us, and the multitude of graces that you have dispensed to us in the midst of our iniquities, obliges us and commits us to bless with all the desires of our hearts, the admirable grandeurs of your soul and your inestimable perfections and prerogatives committed to the August and venerable Name that you received from Heaven.

May He be blessed for all eternity. May all creatures praise Him, from Heaven, from Earth, and from the abyss. We bless and praise Him for all, hoping to do so eternally in Glory. Amen.

(Five Hail Marys are said with a Gloria in veneration of the five letters that make up the sacred name of MARY, and the request for the special grace that is requested is made in silence)

Under your protection

Under your protection we take refuge,
Holy Mother of God;
Don't throw away the prayers
that we address to you
in our needs,
Deliver us from all danger,
Oh glorious and blessed Virgin!

Prayer of Saint Alphonsus Maria de Liguori

Most Holy Virgin and Immaculate Mother Mary, to you, who are the Mother of my Lord, the Queen of the world, the advocate, the hope, the refuge of sinners, I come on this day, I who am the most miserable of all.

I venerate you, O great Queen, and I thank you for all the favors you have done me until now, especially for having freed me from hell, which I have deserved so many times.

I love you, most loving Lady, and because of the love I have for you I promise to always serve you and do everything I can so that you may also be loved by others.

I place in your hands all my hope, all my salvation; accept me as your servant, and take me under your mantle, O Mother of mercy!

And since you are so powerful before God, free me from all temptations or give me the strength to overcome them until death. I ask you for a true love for Jesus Christ.

I hope that you will have a good death. My Mother, for the love you have for God, I beg you to always help me, but more so in the last moment of my life. Do not leave me until you see me safe in heaven so that I may bless you and sing your mercies for all eternity. I hope so. Amen.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

————- Day 2 ————-
/ Day 1 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5 / Day 6 / Day 7 / Day 8 / Day 9 /
————- Day 2 ————-


By the sign of the holy cross. Deliver us from our enemies, O Lord our God. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Act of contrition

My Lord, Jesus Christ!
True God and True Man,
My Creator, Father and Redeemer; for being who You are, infinite Goodness,
and because I love you above all things,
I am heartily sorry to have offended you;
It also weighs on me because you can punish me with the pains of hell.
Aided by your divine grace
I firmly resolve never to sin again, to confess and to fulfill the penance imposed on me.

Prayer to invoke the name of Mary

Mother of God and my Mother Mary! I am not worthy to pronounce your name; but you who desire and wish for my salvation, you must grant me, even though my tongue is not pure, that I may call upon your holy and powerful name for my help, which is help in life and salvation in death.

Sweet Mother, Mary! Let your name be the breath of my life from now on. Do not delay, Lady, in helping me every time I call upon you. For in every temptation that attacks me, and in every need I experience, I want to call upon you without ceasing; Mary!

I hope to do so in life, and especially in my final hour, to always praise your beloved name in heaven: “O most clement, O pious, O sweet Virgin Mary!” What encouragement, sweetness, confidence, what tenderness I feel just by naming you and thinking of you!

I thank our Lord and God, who has given us for our good this name so sweet, so lovable and so powerful. Lady, I am not content with merely pronouncing your name; I want your love to remind me that I must call you at every moment; and that I may exclaim with Saint Anselm: “O name of the Mother of God, you are my love!”

Beloved Mary and my beloved Jesus, may your saving names always live in my heart and in the hearts of all. May my mind forget every other name, so that I may only and always remember to invoke your beloved names.

Jesus, my Redeemer, and my Mother Mary, when the hour comes for me to leave this life, then grant me the grace to say to you: “I love you, Jesus and Mary; Jesus and Mary, I give you my heart and my soul.”

Prayer for the second day

O Virgin Mother Mary, whose August Name of Illuminator in its signification declares to us that You were at your birth the brilliant Dawn, who announced to the world the imminent arrival of the Eternal Sun of Justice Christ JESUS. Be blessed, O our Mother, for that luminous clarity, with which You began from the beginning to dissipate the darkness of the world, illuminating it with the examples of your most innocent life and with the benefits of your unlimited mercy. Deign, Lady, to enlighten our souls with the memory of your admirable and pure customs, and with the heavenly aids, which your solicitous piety may obtain for us.

Let Thy example be a lamp to guide our steps, and light our paths: let Thy mercy enlighten the eyes of our hearts, that we may not sleep in the death of sin. Let Thy sacred Name appear in the midst of our last agonies, and, devoutly pronounced, dispel the fears of our souls, drive away from us and our habitations the infernal spirits, and seal the last breaths of our dim life, that, thus happily ended, we may go on singing Thy praises to all eternity. Amen.

Prayer to ask for the grace that is needed

O most gracious Virgin Mary, Mother of God and our Mother, deign to accept these gifts which we humbly consecrate to the glory of your most holy name. We are unworthy that you should listen to us, but your piety will not allow us to be removed from you.

Your love brings us, your piety invites us, and the multitude of graces that you have dispensed to us in the midst of our iniquities, obliges us and commits us to bless with all the desires of our hearts, the admirable grandeurs of your soul and your inestimable perfections and prerogatives committed to the August and venerable Name that you received from Heaven.

May He be blessed for all eternity. May all creatures praise Him, from Heaven, from Earth, and from the abyss. We bless and praise Him for all, hoping to do so eternally in Glory. Amen.

(Five Hail Marys are said with a Gloria in veneration of the five letters that make up the sacred name of MARY, and the request for the special grace that is requested is made in silence)

Under your protection

Under your protection we take refuge,
Holy Mother of God;
Don't throw away the prayers
that we address to you
in our needs,
Deliver us from all danger,
Oh glorious and blessed Virgin!

Prayer of Saint Alphonsus Maria de Liguori

Most Holy Virgin and Immaculate Mother Mary, to you, who are the Mother of my Lord, the Queen of the world, the advocate, the hope, the refuge of sinners, I come on this day, I who am the most miserable of all.

I venerate you, O great Queen, and I thank you for all the favors you have done me until now, especially for having freed me from hell, which I have deserved so many times.

I love you, most loving Lady, and because of the love I have for you I promise to always serve you and do everything I can so that you may also be loved by others.

I place in your hands all my hope, all my salvation; accept me as your servant, and take me under your mantle, O Mother of mercy!

And since you are so powerful before God, free me from all temptations or give me the strength to overcome them until death. I ask you for a true love for Jesus Christ.

I hope that you will have a good death. My Mother, for the love you have for God, I beg you to always help me, but more so in the last moment of my life. Do not leave me until you see me safe in heaven so that I may bless you and sing your mercies for all eternity. I hope so. Amen.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

————- Day 3 ————-
/ Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 4 / Day 5 / Day 6 / Day 7 / Day 8 / Day 9 /
————- Day 3 ————-


By the sign of the holy cross. Deliver us from our enemies, O Lord our God. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Act of contrition

My Lord, Jesus Christ!
True God and True Man,
My Creator, Father and Redeemer; for being who You are, infinite Goodness,
and because I love you above all things,
I am heartily sorry to have offended you;
It also weighs on me because you can punish me with the pains of hell.
Aided by your divine grace
I firmly resolve never to sin again, to confess and to fulfill the penance imposed on me.

Prayer to invoke the name of Mary

Mother of God and my Mother Mary! I am not worthy to pronounce your name; but you who desire and wish for my salvation, you must grant me, even though my tongue is not pure, that I may call upon your holy and powerful name for my help, which is help in life and salvation in death.

Sweet Mother, Mary! Let your name be the breath of my life from now on. Do not delay, Lady, in helping me every time I call upon you. For in every temptation that attacks me, and in every need I experience, I want to call upon you without ceasing; Mary!

I hope to do so in life, and especially in my final hour, to always praise your beloved name in heaven: “O most clement, O pious, O sweet Virgin Mary!” What encouragement, sweetness, confidence, what tenderness I feel just by naming you and thinking of you!

I thank our Lord and God, who has given us for our good this name so sweet, so lovable and so powerful. Lady, I am not content with merely pronouncing your name; I want your love to remind me that I must call you at every moment; and that I may exclaim with Saint Anselm: “O name of the Mother of God, you are my love!”

Beloved Mary and my beloved Jesus, may your saving names always live in my heart and in the hearts of all. May my mind forget every other name, so that I may only and always remember to invoke your beloved names.

Jesus, my Redeemer, and my Mother Mary, when the hour comes for me to leave this life, then grant me the grace to say to you: “I love you, Jesus and Mary; Jesus and Mary, I give you my heart and my soul.”

Prayer for the third day

O Virgin Mother Mary, whose August Name, interpreted as Star of the Sea, shows us that you were destined by God to be the guide and comfort of mortals as we drift through the turbulent sea of this world. See, O Lady, and see with compassionate eyes how terrible are the waves of troublesome temptations that battle us, how formidable the rocks of bad examples that continually present themselves to our sight. And we, weak, founder at every step and lose the direction of our country.

The hidden heaven is hidden from us, and the abyss yawns beneath our feet, because we sin, and after we sin, we are seized with distrust and despair. Oh, how often, holy Virgin, if it had not been for you, would we have distrusted divine mercy! Blessed are you, most merciful Mother, who, like a star of the sea, have appeared in our hearts, troubled by the memory of our faults, and have restored calm and serenity to our souls. Never hide yourself from our sight, do not allow our hearts to forget you, or to cease to invoke you with fervent confidence. For we are certain, O MARY, that following your direction we do not go astray, and thinking of you we do not err; that with your help we do not fall, and that with your protection we have nothing to fear; If You guide us we will not tire, and if You are kind to us we will arrive happily at the port of blessedness, where we will forever sing the glories of Your Name. Amen.


Prayer to ask for the grace that is needed

O most gracious Virgin Mary, Mother of God and our Mother, deign to accept these gifts which we humbly consecrate to the glory of your most holy name. We are unworthy that you should listen to us, but your piety will not allow us to be removed from you.

Your love brings us, your piety invites us, and the multitude of graces that you have dispensed to us in the midst of our iniquities, obliges us and commits us to bless with all the desires of our hearts, the admirable grandeurs of your soul and your inestimable perfections and prerogatives committed to the August and venerable Name that you received from Heaven.

May He be blessed for all eternity. May all creatures praise Him, from Heaven, from Earth, and from the abyss. We bless and praise Him for all, hoping to do so eternally in Glory. Amen.

(Five Hail Marys are said with a Gloria in veneration of the five letters that make up the sacred name of MARY, and the request for the special grace that is requested is made in silence)

Under your protection

Under your protection we take refuge,
Holy Mother of God;
Don't throw away the prayers
that we address to you
in our needs,
Deliver us from all danger,
Oh glorious and blessed Virgin!

Prayer of Saint Alphonsus Maria de Liguori

Most Holy Virgin and Immaculate Mother Mary, to you, who are the Mother of my Lord, the Queen of the world, the advocate, the hope, the refuge of sinners, I come on this day, I who am the most miserable of all.

I venerate you, O great Queen, and I thank you for all the favors you have done me until now, especially for having freed me from hell, which I have deserved so many times.

I love you, most loving Lady, and because of the love I have for you I promise to always serve you and do everything I can so that you may also be loved by others.

I place in your hands all my hope, all my salvation; accept me as your servant, and take me under your mantle, O Mother of mercy!

And since you are so powerful before God, free me from all temptations or give me the strength to overcome them until death. I ask you for a true love for Jesus Christ.

I hope that you will have a good death. My Mother, for the love you have for God, I beg you to always help me, but more so in the last moment of my life. Do not leave me until you see me safe in heaven so that I may bless you and sing your mercies for all eternity. I hope so. Amen.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

————- Day 4 ————-
/ Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 5 / Day 6 / Day 7 / Day 8 / Day 9 /
————- Day 4 ————-


By the sign of the holy cross. Deliver us from our enemies, O Lord our God. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Act of contrition

My Lord, Jesus Christ!
True God and True Man,
My Creator, Father and Redeemer; for being who You are, infinite Goodness,
and because I love you above all things,
I am heartily sorry to have offended you;
It also weighs on me because you can punish me with the pains of hell.
Aided by your divine grace
I firmly resolve never to sin again, to confess and to fulfill the penance imposed on me.

Prayer to invoke the name of Mary

Mother of God and my Mother Mary! I am not worthy to pronounce your name; but you who desire and wish for my salvation, you must grant me, even though my tongue is not pure, that I may call upon your holy and powerful name for my help, which is help in life and salvation in death.

Sweet Mother, Mary! Let your name be the breath of my life from now on. Do not delay, Lady, in helping me every time I call upon you. For in every temptation that attacks me, and in every need I experience, I want to call upon you without ceasing; Mary!

I hope to do so in life, and especially in my final hour, to always praise your beloved name in heaven: “O most clement, O pious, O sweet Virgin Mary!” What encouragement, sweetness, confidence, what tenderness I feel just by naming you and thinking of you!

I thank our Lord and God, who has given us for our good this name so sweet, so lovable and so powerful. Lady, I am not content with merely pronouncing your name; I want your love to remind me that I must call you at every moment; and that I may exclaim with Saint Anselm: “O name of the Mother of God, you are my love!”

Beloved Mary and my beloved Jesus, may your saving names always live in my heart and in the hearts of all. May my mind forget every other name, so that I may only and always remember to invoke your beloved names.

Jesus, my Redeemer, and my Mother Mary, when the hour comes for me to leave this life, then grant me the grace to say to you: “I love you, Jesus and Mary; Jesus and Mary, I give you my heart and my soul.”

Prayer for the fourth day

0h Virgin Mother Mary, venerable caio Name meaning Lady reminds us of the dominion that you exercise over the celestial, terrestrial and infernal creatures. Great admiration, oh Mother, consolation and joy causes us to contemplate you, universal Lady. You are Lady of the Angels, and before you, human creature, the sovereign spirits bow reverently, who many centuries before you were born, only prostrated themselves before the supreme Creator. But your almost infinite holiness, and your dignity as Mother of God have placed you above the celestial hierarchies.

Oh, how great is yours, O all-powerful Virgin! If the blessed Angels obey you, how much will the evil spirits tremble at your presence? And how happy is it for us that you have such dominion! Behold, Lady, our eyes are always directed to your hands. From them has come to us all the good we possess, from them we hope to receive all we need, through them we wish to offer to the Lord all the good we practice with his grace. Our heart yearns to love you, our lips long to bless you, our spirit desires to venerate you, and our soul delights to entreat you. Accept, Lady, our gifts, and exercising your dominion over the enemies of our souls, drive them away from us at the hour of our death, so that free from their tyranny we may rejoice eternally in your loving servitude. Amen.

Prayer to ask for the grace that is needed

O most gracious Virgin Mary, Mother of God and our Mother, deign to accept these gifts which we humbly consecrate to the glory of your most holy name. We are unworthy that you should listen to us, but your piety will not allow us to be removed from you.

Your love brings us, your piety invites us, and the multitude of graces that you have dispensed to us in the midst of our iniquities, obliges us and commits us to bless with all the desires of our hearts, the admirable grandeurs of your soul and your inestimable perfections and prerogatives committed to the August and venerable Name that you received from Heaven.

May He be blessed for all eternity. May all creatures praise Him, from Heaven, from Earth, and from the abyss. We bless and praise Him for all, hoping to do so eternally in Glory. Amen.

(Five Hail Marys are said with a Gloria in veneration of the five letters that make up the sacred name of MARY, and the request for the special grace that is requested is made in silence)

Under your protection

Under your protection we take refuge,
Holy Mother of God;
Don't throw away the prayers
that we address to you
in our needs,
Deliver us from all danger,
Oh glorious and blessed Virgin!

Prayer of Saint Alphonsus Maria de Liguori

Most Holy Virgin and Immaculate Mother Mary, to you, who are the Mother of my Lord, the Queen of the world, the advocate, the hope, the refuge of sinners, I come on this day, I who am the most miserable of all.

I venerate you, O great Queen, and I thank you for all the favors you have done me until now, especially for having freed me from hell, which I have deserved so many times.

I love you, most loving Lady, and because of the love I have for you I promise to always serve you and do everything I can so that you may also be loved by others.

I place in your hands all my hope, all my salvation; accept me as your servant, and take me under your mantle, O Mother of mercy!

And since you are so powerful before God, free me from all temptations or give me the strength to overcome them until death. I ask you for a true love for Jesus Christ.

I hope that you will have a good death. My Mother, for the love you have for God, I beg you to always help me, but more so in the last moment of my life. Do not leave me until you see me safe in heaven so that I may bless you and sing your mercies for all eternity. I hope so. Amen.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

————- Day 5 ————-
/ Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4Day 6 / Day 7 / Day 8 / Day 9 /
————- Day 5 ————-


By the sign of the holy cross. Deliver us from our enemies, O Lord our God. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Act of contrition

My Lord, Jesus Christ!
True God and True Man,
My Creator, Father and Redeemer; for being who You are, infinite Goodness,
and because I love you above all things,
I am heartily sorry to have offended you;
It also weighs on me because you can punish me with the pains of hell.
Aided by your divine grace
I firmly resolve never to sin again, to confess and to fulfill the penance imposed on me.

Prayer to invoke the name of Mary

Mother of God and my Mother Mary! I am not worthy to pronounce your name; but you who desire and wish for my salvation, you must grant me, even though my tongue is not pure, that I may call upon your holy and powerful name for my help, which is help in life and salvation in death.

Sweet Mother, Mary! Let your name be the breath of my life from now on. Do not delay, Lady, in helping me every time I call upon you. For in every temptation that attacks me, and in every need I experience, I want to call upon you without ceasing; Mary!

I hope to do so in life, and especially in my final hour, to always praise your beloved name in heaven: “O most clement, O pious, O sweet Virgin Mary!” What encouragement, sweetness, confidence, what tenderness I feel just by naming you and thinking of you!

I thank our Lord and God, who has given us for our good this name so sweet, so lovable and so powerful. Lady, I am not content with merely pronouncing your name; I want your love to remind me that I must call you at every moment; and that I may exclaim with Saint Anselm: “O name of the Mother of God, you are my love!”

Beloved Mary and my beloved Jesus, may your saving names always live in my heart and in the hearts of all. May my mind forget every other name, so that I may only and always remember to invoke your beloved names.

Jesus, my Redeemer, and my Mother Mary, when the hour comes for me to leave this life, then grant me the grace to say to you: “I love you, Jesus and Mary; Jesus and Mary, I give you my heart and my soul.”

Prayer for the fifth day

O Virgin Mother Mary, whose holy name is interpreted as Myrrh of the Sea, reveals to us the admirable fruits of your most perfect virtues. You were, our Mother, most sweet and chosen myrrh in the presence of the Most High. Attracted by its scent, the King of Glory descended from the bosom of the eternal Father to dwell in your womb, and thus you gave birth in the world to the pearl of immortality. Filled with bitterness in the passion of your beloved JESUS and inflamed in the fire of the most sublime charity, you exhaled a sweetness so fragrant that it embalmed heaven and earth, wonderfully recreating its inhabitants. The Church still rejoices in perceiving the exquisite aroma of your heart sacrificed for sinners at the foot of the cross on the summit of Calvary.

O dear Mother, let us be like you, we who boast of being your children. Let the memory of your pains tolerated for our love embitter our hearts with the myrrh of compunction, and let our breasts be inflamed with the love of Jesus who was offended. Let our eyes distill this myrrh in abundant tears, and let our hands distill it in works of virtue and penance. We shall then be the sweet aroma of Jesus Christ, and the Lord will not refuse to dwell in our souls by his grace, until we succeed in being crowned with glory in the happy eternity. Amen.

Prayer to ask for the grace that is needed

O most gracious Virgin Mary, Mother of God and our Mother, deign to accept these gifts which we humbly consecrate to the glory of your most holy name. We are unworthy that you should listen to us, but your piety will not allow us to be removed from you.

Your love brings us, your piety invites us, and the multitude of graces that you have dispensed to us in the midst of our iniquities, obliges us and commits us to bless with all the desires of our hearts, the admirable grandeurs of your soul and your inestimable perfections and prerogatives committed to the August and venerable Name that you received from Heaven.

May He be blessed for all eternity. May all creatures praise Him, from Heaven, from Earth, and from the abyss. We bless and praise Him for all, hoping to do so eternally in Glory. Amen.

(Five Hail Marys are said with a Gloria in veneration of the five letters that make up the sacred name of MARY, and the request for the special grace that is requested is made in silence)

Under your protection

Under your protection we take refuge,
Holy Mother of God;
Don't throw away the prayers
that we address to you
in our needs,
Deliver us from all danger,
Oh glorious and blessed Virgin!

Prayer of Saint Alphonsus Maria de Liguori

Most Holy Virgin and Immaculate Mother Mary, to you, who are the Mother of my Lord, the Queen of the world, the advocate, the hope, the refuge of sinners, I come on this day, I who am the most miserable of all.

I venerate you, O great Queen, and I thank you for all the favors you have done me until now, especially for having freed me from hell, which I have deserved so many times.

I love you, most loving Lady, and because of the love I have for you I promise to always serve you and do everything I can so that you may also be loved by others.

I place in your hands all my hope, all my salvation; accept me as your servant, and take me under your mantle, O Mother of mercy!

And since you are so powerful before God, free me from all temptations or give me the strength to overcome them until death. I ask you for a true love for Jesus Christ.

I hope that you will have a good death. My Mother, for the love you have for God, I beg you to always help me, but more so in the last moment of my life. Do not leave me until you see me safe in heaven so that I may bless you and sing your mercies for all eternity. I hope so. Amen.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

————- Day 6 ————-
/ Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5 / Day 7 / Day 8 / Day 9 /
————- Day 6 ————-


By the sign of the holy cross. Deliver us from our enemies, O Lord our God. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Act of contrition

My Lord, Jesus Christ!
True God and True Man,
My Creator, Father and Redeemer; for being who You are, infinite Goodness,
and because I love you above all things,
I am heartily sorry to have offended you;
It also weighs on me because you can punish me with the pains of hell.
Aided by your divine grace
I firmly resolve never to sin again, to confess and to fulfill the penance imposed on me.

Prayer to invoke the name of Mary

Mother of God and my Mother Mary! I am not worthy to pronounce your name; but you who desire and wish for my salvation, you must grant me, even though my tongue is not pure, that I may call upon your holy and powerful name for my help, which is help in life and salvation in death.

Sweet Mother, Mary! Let your name be the breath of my life from now on. Do not delay, Lady, in helping me every time I call upon you. For in every temptation that attacks me, and in every need I experience, I want to call upon you without ceasing; Mary!

I hope to do so in life, and especially in my final hour, to always praise your beloved name in heaven: “O most clement, O pious, O sweet Virgin Mary!” What encouragement, sweetness, confidence, what tenderness I feel just by naming you and thinking of you!

I thank our Lord and God, who has given us for our good this name so sweet, so lovable and so powerful. Lady, I am not content with merely pronouncing your name; I want your love to remind me that I must call you at every moment; and that I may exclaim with Saint Anselm: “O name of the Mother of God, you are my love!”

Beloved Mary and my beloved Jesus, may your saving names always live in my heart and in the hearts of all. May my mind forget every other name, so that I may only and always remember to invoke your beloved names.

Jesus, my Redeemer, and my Mother Mary, when the hour comes for me to leave this life, then grant me the grace to say to you: “I love you, Jesus and Mary; Jesus and Mary, I give you my heart and my soul.”

Prayer for the sixth day

O Virgin Mother Mary, who deigned to interpret your sacred name Mother of mercy in order to console one of your servants at the hour of his death. To whom better than to you shall we, miserable and desolate, cry out for relief from our ills and miseries? To whom better than to you, true Mother of mercy? O holy Mother, only Mother, immaculate Mother, incorrupt Mother, Mother of mercy, Mother of pity and indulgence, open your merciful bosom and receive into it those of us who are dead through guilt. Prodigal sons, but now repentant, we cry out to you, and with all the depths of our hearts, full of trust, we call you our Mother.

And we remember, with how much gratitude, the innumerable times that you have protected, defended, and excused us with the divine Father. What would have happened to us without your mediation, most loving Mother! Continue, O pious Virgin, your office of maternal mercy towards us unfortunate sinners. You are our refuge, you are our consolation; in you is our hope during life, and in you we will trust when the moment of appearing before the tribunal of Jesus Christ draws near, and our common enemy asks for justice against us. Grant, O Mother, that we may invoke you fervently at that moment, and respond piously to our invocation; take upon yourself our defense, and the divine Judge, appeased by your intercession, may we succeed with you in blessing him for ever and ever; Amen.

Prayer to ask for the grace that is needed

O most gracious Virgin Mary, Mother of God and our Mother, deign to accept these gifts which we humbly consecrate to the glory of your most holy name. We are unworthy that you should listen to us, but your piety will not allow us to be removed from you.

Your love brings us, your piety invites us, and the multitude of graces that you have dispensed to us in the midst of our iniquities, obliges us and commits us to bless with all the desires of our hearts, the admirable grandeurs of your soul and your inestimable perfections and prerogatives committed to the August and venerable Name that you received from Heaven.

May He be blessed for all eternity. May all creatures praise Him, from Heaven, from Earth, and from the abyss. We bless and praise Him for all, hoping to do so eternally in Glory. Amen.

(Five Hail Marys are said with a Gloria in veneration of the five letters that make up the sacred name of MARY, and the request for the special grace that is requested is made in silence)

Under your protection

Under your protection we take refuge,
Holy Mother of God;
Don't throw away the prayers
that we address to you
in our needs,
Deliver us from all danger,
Oh glorious and blessed Virgin!

Prayer of Saint Alphonsus Maria de Liguori

Most Holy Virgin and Immaculate Mother Mary, to you, who are the Mother of my Lord, the Queen of the world, the advocate, the hope, the refuge of sinners, I come on this day, I who am the most miserable of all.

I venerate you, O great Queen, and I thank you for all the favors you have done me until now, especially for having freed me from hell, which I have deserved so many times.

I love you, most loving Lady, and because of the love I have for you I promise to always serve you and do everything I can so that you may also be loved by others.

I place in your hands all my hope, all my salvation; accept me as your servant, and take me under your mantle, O Mother of mercy!

And since you are so powerful before God, free me from all temptations or give me the strength to overcome them until death. I ask you for a true love for Jesus Christ.

I hope that you will have a good death. My Mother, for the love you have for God, I beg you to always help me, but more so in the last moment of my life. Do not leave me until you see me safe in heaven so that I may bless you and sing your mercies for all eternity. I hope so. Amen.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

————- Day 7 ————-
/ Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5 / Day 6 / Day 8 / Day 9 /
————- Day 7 ————-


By the sign of the holy cross. Deliver us from our enemies, O Lord our God. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Act of contrition

My Lord, Jesus Christ!
True God and True Man,
My Creator, Father and Redeemer; for being who You are, infinite Goodness,
and because I love you above all things,
I am heartily sorry to have offended you;
It also weighs on me because you can punish me with the pains of hell.
Aided by your divine grace
I firmly resolve never to sin again, to confess and to fulfill the penance imposed on me.

Prayer to invoke the name of Mary

Mother of God and my Mother Mary! I am not worthy to pronounce your name; but you who desire and wish for my salvation, you must grant me, even though my tongue is not pure, that I may call upon your holy and powerful name for my help, which is help in life and salvation in death.

Sweet Mother, Mary! Let your name be the breath of my life from now on. Do not delay, Lady, in helping me every time I call upon you. For in every temptation that attacks me, and in every need I experience, I want to call upon you without ceasing; Mary!

I hope to do so in life, and especially in my final hour, to always praise your beloved name in heaven: “O most clement, O pious, O sweet Virgin Mary!” What encouragement, sweetness, confidence, what tenderness I feel just by naming you and thinking of you!

I thank our Lord and God, who has given us for our good this name so sweet, so lovable and so powerful. Lady, I am not content with merely pronouncing your name; I want your love to remind me that I must call you at every moment; and that I may exclaim with Saint Anselm: “O name of the Mother of God, you are my love!”

Beloved Mary and my beloved Jesus, may your saving names always live in my heart and in the hearts of all. May my mind forget every other name, so that I may only and always remember to invoke your beloved names.

Jesus, my Redeemer, and my Mother Mary, when the hour comes for me to leave this life, then grant me the grace to say to you: “I love you, Jesus and Mary; Jesus and Mary, I give you my heart and my soul.”

Prayer for the seventh day

O Virgin Mother Mary, all sweetness and all gentleness, as your sacred name declares. Who can worthily celebrate the sweetness of your dealings and the benignity of your nature? One word of yours filled the world with joy and, sweetly delighting the ears of the divine Spouse, made you at the same time his Spouse, Mother of God. You greeted your cousin Elizabeth, and as soon as your sweet voice resounded in her ears, the child she carried in her womb leaped for joy and she herself was filled with the Holy Spirit. Let us hear your voice, our Mother, too; speak to us, sweetest Mother, effectively to the heart.

We know that you will speak to us as you did to the servants at the wedding at Cana: Do what my Son tells you: Let your voice reach the ears of our souls, and give us the will to obey it promptly and perfectly. Speak to us in the same way, dear Mother, at the hour of our death, there, amid the cries and remorse of our conscience, your voice will sound in our ears: when in the midst of our agonies we say to you: Mother, let us hear from your lips the sweet name of our children, and consoled and revived by such a word, let us fly in your arms to bless your name forever in the eternal dwellings of glory. Amen.

Prayer to ask for the grace that is needed

O most gracious Virgin Mary, Mother of God and our Mother, deign to accept these gifts which we humbly consecrate to the glory of your most holy name. We are unworthy that you should listen to us, but your piety will not allow us to be removed from you.

Your love brings us, your piety invites us, and the multitude of graces that you have dispensed to us in the midst of our iniquities, obliges us and commits us to bless with all the desires of our hearts, the admirable grandeurs of your soul and your inestimable perfections and prerogatives committed to the August and venerable Name that you received from Heaven.

May He be blessed for all eternity. May all creatures praise Him, from Heaven, from Earth, and from the abyss. We bless and praise Him for all, hoping to do so eternally in Glory. Amen.

(Five Hail Marys are said with a Gloria in veneration of the five letters that make up the sacred name of MARY, and the request for the special grace that is requested is made in silence)

Under your protection

Under your protection we take refuge,
Holy Mother of God;
Don't throw away the prayers
that we address to you
in our needs,
Deliver us from all danger,
Oh glorious and blessed Virgin!

Prayer of Saint Alphonsus Maria de Liguori

Most Holy Virgin and Immaculate Mother Mary, to you, who are the Mother of my Lord, the Queen of the world, the advocate, the hope, the refuge of sinners, I come on this day, I who am the most miserable of all.

I venerate you, O great Queen, and I thank you for all the favors you have done me until now, especially for having freed me from hell, which I have deserved so many times.

I love you, most loving Lady, and because of the love I have for you I promise to always serve you and do everything I can so that you may also be loved by others.

I place in your hands all my hope, all my salvation; accept me as your servant, and take me under your mantle, O Mother of mercy!

And since you are so powerful before God, free me from all temptations or give me the strength to overcome them until death. I ask you for a true love for Jesus Christ.

I hope that you will have a good death. My Mother, for the love you have for God, I beg you to always help me, but more so in the last moment of my life. Do not leave me until you see me safe in heaven so that I may bless you and sing your mercies for all eternity. I hope so. Amen.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

————- Day 8 ————-
/ Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5 / Day 6 / Day 7 / Day 9 /
————- Day 8 ————-


By the sign of the holy cross. Deliver us from our enemies, O Lord our God. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Act of contrition

My Lord, Jesus Christ!
True God and True Man,
My Creator, Father and Redeemer; for being who You are, infinite Goodness,
and because I love you above all things,
I am heartily sorry to have offended you;
It also weighs on me because you can punish me with the pains of hell.
Aided by your divine grace
I firmly resolve never to sin again, to confess and to fulfill the penance imposed on me.

Prayer to invoke the name of Mary

Mother of God and my Mother Mary! I am not worthy to pronounce your name; but you who desire and wish for my salvation, you must grant me, even though my tongue is not pure, that I may call upon your holy and powerful name for my help, which is help in life and salvation in death.

Sweet Mother, Mary! Let your name be the breath of my life from now on. Do not delay, Lady, in helping me every time I call upon you. For in every temptation that attacks me, and in every need I experience, I want to call upon you without ceasing; Mary!

I hope to do so in life, and especially in my final hour, to always praise your beloved name in heaven: “O most clement, O pious, O sweet Virgin Mary!” What encouragement, sweetness, confidence, what tenderness I feel just by naming you and thinking of you!

I thank our Lord and God, who has given us for our good this name so sweet, so lovable and so powerful. Lady, I am not content with merely pronouncing your name; I want your love to remind me that I must call you at every moment; and that I may exclaim with Saint Anselm: “O name of the Mother of God, you are my love!”

Beloved Mary and my beloved Jesus, may your saving names always live in my heart and in the hearts of all. May my mind forget every other name, so that I may only and always remember to invoke your beloved names.

Jesus, my Redeemer, and my Mother Mary, when the hour comes for me to leave this life, then grant me the grace to say to you: “I love you, Jesus and Mary; Jesus and Mary, I give you my heart and my soul.”

Prayer for the eighth day

O Virgin Mother Mary, whose sacred name reveals to us your heavenly beauty, we, beautiful Mother, take special pleasure in contemplating you, superior in beauty to all sensible and insensible creatures produced by the wise hand of the Almighty. With unspeakable joy of our souls we preach that you are beautiful as the moon in its fullness and chosen as the sun. We look upon you and admire you, all lovely, all beautiful, without any stain or shadow of sin or ignorance. We are glad to have a Mother who was always the object of the pleasures of the Most High; let the morning stars praise her, and whose beauty is celebrated by the sun and moon in admiration, with the universal joy of the children of God.

O most blessed, O most beautiful, O most beautiful above all beauties inferior to the Creator! May your chaste beauty captivate our hearts, O dear Mother, and may these hearts, enamoured of your singular graces, never be prey to profane love, nor be seduced by the fleeting beauty of corruptible bodies. May we be pleased only with the beauty of virtue, the beauty of grace, the splendor of innocence, these beauties which do not pass with age, which do not fade with illness, these beauties which death perfects and eternalizes. Let us love, O Mary, your heavenly beauty, and in order to enjoy it, let us, through your intercession, keep our souls free from all sin, so that when our mortal career is over, we may succeed in being eternal admirers of your beauty in the mansion of the just. Amen.

Prayer to ask for the grace that is needed

O most gracious Virgin Mary, Mother of God and our Mother, deign to accept these gifts which we humbly consecrate to the glory of your most holy name. We are unworthy that you should listen to us, but your piety will not allow us to be removed from you.

Your love brings us, your piety invites us, and the multitude of graces that you have dispensed to us in the midst of our iniquities, obliges us and commits us to bless with all the desires of our hearts, the admirable grandeurs of your soul and your inestimable perfections and prerogatives committed to the August and venerable Name that you received from Heaven.

May He be blessed for all eternity. May all creatures praise Him, from Heaven, from Earth, and from the abyss. We bless and praise Him for all, hoping to do so eternally in Glory. Amen.

(Five Hail Marys are said with a Gloria in veneration of the five letters that make up the sacred name of MARY, and the request for the special grace that is requested is made in silence)

Under your protection

Under your protection we take refuge,
Holy Mother of God;
Don't throw away the prayers
that we address to you
in our needs,
Deliver us from all danger,
Oh glorious and blessed Virgin!

Prayer of Saint Alphonsus Maria de Liguori

Most Holy Virgin and Immaculate Mother Mary, to you, who are the Mother of my Lord, the Queen of the world, the advocate, the hope, the refuge of sinners, I come on this day, I who am the most miserable of all.

I venerate you, O great Queen, and I thank you for all the favors you have done me until now, especially for having freed me from hell, which I have deserved so many times.

I love you, most loving Lady, and because of the love I have for you I promise to always serve you and do everything I can so that you may also be loved by others.

I place in your hands all my hope, all my salvation; accept me as your servant, and take me under your mantle, O Mother of mercy!

And since you are so powerful before God, free me from all temptations or give me the strength to overcome them until death. I ask you for a true love for Jesus Christ.

I hope that you will have a good death. My Mother, for the love you have for God, I beg you to always help me, but more so in the last moment of my life. Do not leave me until you see me safe in heaven so that I may bless you and sing your mercies for all eternity. I hope so. Amen.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

————- Day 9 ————-
/ Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5 / Day 6 / Day 7 / Day 8 /
————- Day 9 ————-


By the sign of the holy cross. Deliver us from our enemies, O Lord our God. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Act of contrition

My Lord, Jesus Christ!
True God and True Man,
My Creator, Father and Redeemer; for being who You are, infinite Goodness,
and because I love you above all things,
I am heartily sorry to have offended you;
It also weighs on me because you can punish me with the pains of hell.
Aided by your divine grace
I firmly resolve never to sin again, to confess and to fulfill the penance imposed on me.

Prayer to invoke the name of Mary

Mother of God and my Mother Mary! I am not worthy to pronounce your name; but you who desire and wish for my salvation, you must grant me, even though my tongue is not pure, that I may call upon your holy and powerful name for my help, which is help in life and salvation in death.

Sweet Mother, Mary! Let your name be the breath of my life from now on. Do not delay, Lady, in helping me every time I call upon you. For in every temptation that attacks me, and in every need I experience, I want to call upon you without ceasing; Mary!

I hope to do so in life, and especially in my final hour, to always praise your beloved name in heaven: “O most clement, O pious, O sweet Virgin Mary!” What encouragement, sweetness, confidence, what tenderness I feel just by naming you and thinking of you!

I thank our Lord and God, who has given us for our good this name so sweet, so lovable and so powerful. Lady, I am not content with merely pronouncing your name; I want your love to remind me that I must call you at every moment; and that I may exclaim with Saint Anselm: “O name of the Mother of God, you are my love!”

Beloved Mary and my beloved Jesus, may your saving names always live in my heart and in the hearts of all. May my mind forget every other name, so that I may only and always remember to invoke your beloved names.

Jesus, my Redeemer, and my Mother Mary, when the hour comes for me to leave this life, then grant me the grace to say to you: “I love you, Jesus and Mary; Jesus and Mary, I give you my heart and my soul.”

Prayer for the ninth day

O Virgin Mother Mary, whose sacred name, as interpreted by Chrysostom: Great Miracle, reveals to us your supreme perfection and teaches us to regard you as the beloved creature of the Most High. Truly so, our Mother, we acknowledge and confess it with inexpressible pleasure. You are a miracle of the grace that anticipated the death of Jesus Christ to redeem you by its virtue and free us from original sin. You are a miracle of the divine Spirit, through whose sovereign operation the flower of Virginity and the fruits of Maternity shine forth in you, being a fruitful Virgin and an intact Mother.

You are a miracle that astonishes heaven when we contemplate you, creature and Mother of the Creator. Make, O Mother, that the consideration of such greatness of yours may excite in our souls a strong desire to contemplate you eternally, and that in order to attain such happiness we may resolve once and for all to renounce sin and practice the maxims of the Gospel, whose faithful and constant observance will make us worthy of enjoying your presence and of blessing with you in heaven him whom God lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to ask for the grace that is needed

O most gracious Virgin Mary, Mother of God and our Mother, deign to accept these gifts which we humbly consecrate to the glory of your most holy name. We are unworthy that you should listen to us, but your piety will not allow us to be removed from you.

Your love brings us, your piety invites us, and the multitude of graces that you have dispensed to us in the midst of our iniquities, obliges us and commits us to bless with all the desires of our hearts, the admirable grandeurs of your soul and your inestimable perfections and prerogatives committed to the August and venerable Name that you received from Heaven.

May He be blessed for all eternity. May all creatures praise Him, from Heaven, from Earth, and from the abyss. We bless and praise Him for all, hoping to do so eternally in Glory. Amen.

(Five Hail Marys are said with a Gloria in veneration of the five letters that make up the sacred name of MARY, and the request for the special grace that is requested is made in silence)

Under your protection

Under your protection we take refuge,
Holy Mother of God;
Don't throw away the prayers
that we address to you
in our needs,
Deliver us from all danger,
Oh glorious and blessed Virgin!

Prayer of Saint Alphonsus Maria de Liguori

Most Holy Virgin and Immaculate Mother Mary, to you, who are the Mother of my Lord, the Queen of the world, the advocate, the hope, the refuge of sinners, I come on this day, I who am the most miserable of all.

I venerate you, O great Queen, and I thank you for all the favors you have done me until now, especially for having freed me from hell, which I have deserved so many times.

I love you, most loving Lady, and because of the love I have for you I promise to always serve you and do everything I can so that you may also be loved by others.

I place in your hands all my hope, all my salvation; accept me as your servant, and take me under your mantle, O Mother of mercy!

And since you are so powerful before God, free me from all temptations or give me the strength to overcome them until death. I ask you for a true love for Jesus Christ.

I hope that you will have a good death. My Mother, for the love you have for God, I beg you to always help me, but more so in the last moment of my life. Do not leave me until you see me safe in heaven so that I may bless you and sing your mercies for all eternity. I hope so. Amen.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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