15 Promises of the Virgin Mary to those who pray the Rosary


Tradition has it that, in the second half of the 15th century, the Virgin Mary appeared to the Blessed Dominican Alano de la Rupe, who wrote the famous book “De Dignitate Psalterii” (On the Dignity of the Psalter of Mary), in which It tells how the Virgin asks Saint Domingo de Guzmán to spread the prayer of the Holy Rosary.

According to Blessed Alano, these are the promises of Our Lady for those who pray the Marian prayer frequently and with devotion:

1. Those who pray the Rosary with enormous faith will receive special graces.

2. I promise my protection and the greatest thanks to those who pray the Rosary.

3. The Rosary is a powerful weapon to avoid going to hell: it destroys vices, reduces sins and defends us from heresies.

4. Virtue will be bestowed and good works will abound, God's mercy will be bestowed upon souls, he will rescue the hearts of the people from their earthly love and vanities, and elevate them in their desire for eternal things. The souls themselves will be sanctified by this means.

5. The soul that entrusts itself to me in the Rosary will not perish.

6. Whoever prays the Rosary devoutly, and carries the mysteries as a testimony of life, will not know misfortune. God will not punish him in his justice, he will not have a violent death, and if he is just, he will remain in the grace of God, and will have the reward of eternal life.

7. He who is a true devotee of the Rosary will not perish without the Holy Sacraments.

8. Those who pray the Holy Rosary with great faith in life and at the hour of their death will find the light of God and the fullness of his grace; at the hour of death they will participate in paradise through the merits of the Saints.

9. I will deliver from purgatory those who pray the Rosary devoutly.

10. Children devoted to the Rosary will deserve a high degree of Glory in heaven.

11. You will obtain everything you ask of me through the Rosary.

12. Those who spread my Rosary will be assisted by me in their needs.

13. My son has granted me that anyone who entrusts themselves to me when praying the Rosary will have the entire heavenly court as intercessors in life and at the hour of death.

14. They are my children who recite the Rosary, and brothers and sisters of my only son, Jesus Christ.

15. Devotion to my Rosary is a great sign of prophecy.

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